by Kirsten K. Kester | Oct 2, 2015 | Europe
Then it pays off to be in a wheelchair I hate the cold, hence we often travel to warmer countries. When you sit in a wheelchair, you can not run yourself warm, do cartwheels, somersaults or jump on the spot. Are you cold, there is no turning back, you only get colder...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Jan 11, 2015 | Europe
Smiling Sun In the 1970’s there were fears of war, environmental disasters and nuclear power. In response to Sweden’s opening of the Barsebäck nuclear power-station in 1975, dreams of a green planet with peace and justice; inspired many to engage in...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Sep 8, 2014 | Europe
The Wall I was in Berlin the first time in July 1990 – Berlin Wall had fallen eight months earlier. Roger Waters had in July 1989 declared that the only way he would revive a live performance of The Wall, Pink Floyd’s album was ” if the Berlin Wall fell”; – that...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Apr 3, 2014 | Europe
A look at Aarhus When I’m not traveling The World; I live in Aarhus. As interested in art and culture I enjoy and use the many museums and theaters a lot. Aarhus was founded by the Vikings in the 8th century and today we are around 300.000 inhabitants. Aarhus...