profileHi I’m Kirsten, the woman behind curiousKester.

— have a lOOk at the page “dry data” to see where I have traveled in the world. Originally I’m from Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark – now living in “The City of Smiles”: Århus which is the second city in Denmark.

I’ve been a member of the Travelers Club of Denmark since 2008, (De Berejstes Klub, DBK). In Denmark I’m ranked in the top 5 most traveled female according to – In 2009 I received The Egholm Prize from The Travelers Club of Denmark. The Egholm Prize is awarded to disseminate the desire to travel and communicate information about travel, foreign countries and cultures.

I was born with a physical handicap; Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), or simply arthrogryposis. It derives its name from Greek, literally meaning “curving of joints.” It is a relatively rare handicap that makes several of my joints stiff. But there’s no need to fuss about that.  My handicap has never caused me a lot of grief. I look at my wheelchair as an aid or a tool to go wherever I like — not an obstacle. I DON’T SEE MY HANDICAP AS A PROBLEM: I FIND SOLUTIONS.

About - Dieter sitting photographing a sunset by the sea

Accompanied by my wonderful husband Dieter and my trusty wheelchair over the past many years, I have a lot of travel experience. I have always been very independent, quite fearless and trusted in other people, and that is my strengths when traveling.
Dieter’s great passion is trains. So wherever we go; Dieter is to be found at a train station or if he’s in real luck, at a train museum. Occasionally Dieter will write a guest post here on curiousKester — Dieter is also the photographer to most of the photos on this site.

Heading towards the 50s we are past those years of our life where we stay at dorms on backpacker hostels. We still enjoy the backpacker lifestyle when it comes to eat street food, riding on low budget train fares etc. but we want our private room where we can close the door and actually get some sleep.

Occasionally when I take a break from traveling, I work as an artist and do exhibitions @ Kester Art  — you are welcome to pop over!


One of the best things about traveling is meeting new people whether it be a nice chat for 5 minutes or building up a friendship for a lifetime. I feel rich and privileged each time another person opens up to me.

An important thing for me when I travel is TO GIVE.  The “easy way out”, is to give money. A lot of people definitely need it. Particular in the developing countries; where people often struggle just to feed their kids.

The thing is you can’t feed the whole world, and I must admit I’m more into teaching people to fish rather than just handling over the fish. It does not mean I never donate for the ones in need but I chose wisely. (Or let’s say I try to, it’s an unbearable task as the world is so unbalanced).

I like to think that you can give something of you to the local community you visit. Like give something back as thanks for being there. It’s just like you might bring a flower for the host at a dinner party; which is a way of saying thanks for the invite. You can call it karma or you can look at it to be enriched with wonderful stories, smiles and perhaps a new friendship.

rafting in Thailand with the wheelchair on boardMany years ago I decided to give something of me that I’m good at. I’m extremely good at traveling despite of my handicap. I hardly take no for an answer if people are telling me something is not doable because of my handicap. I’m pretty stubborn and I rather try before letting my handicap stop me from doing what I want.

I’ve always believed that Y O U set the agenda for your life. You will be the life you live, you are the choices you make..

But I also know it’s difficult. I think it’s difficult for each and every one. There are tons of reasons why it’s so difficult and they are all individual. But I think we all owe it to ourselves to fight for
our dreams. To make your life be what you believe in.
I know a lot of people get hindered by obstacles on their way. So whenever I get the opportunity I try to inspire people, by making conversations or giving lectures about making peoples dreams count and overcome the obstacles on their way.


Oh, and I hate plastic, waste, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism, racism, dolphin shows, holding wildlife while taking the perfect photograph and – I LOVE organic and green, and speaking your mind!

Changing the world for the better is perhaps a lot to put on your shoulders –  but you can always plant a seed in peoples minds.


“It’s hard to conceal my handicap because I use a wheelchair – It’s not that I’m bothered by my wheelchair but often it interfere the conversation as it distracts people I talk to . . “


– Karma will bite you if you don’t play nice –
©curiousKester 2016 –  no material on may be copied, published, reproduced, manipulated, or modified for any purpose.. You may share all you want to. If you want to use images or other, write for permission.

Some photographs on this site may be watermarked which is my former website. This has no effect on copyright. The images still belongs to this website’s owner.



All material on is for the purposes of inspiration and pleasure. I accept no responsibility or liability for any damages or losses resulting from relying on the information I provide on

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