by Kirsten K. Kester | Oct 2, 2015 | Europe
Then it pays off to be in a wheelchair I hate the cold, hence we often travel to warmer countries. When you sit in a wheelchair, you can not run yourself warm, do cartwheels, somersaults or jump on the spot. Are you cold, there is no turning back, you only get colder...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Sep 14, 2015 | Asia
Being a bit too relaxed In the morning we went downtown in Ende at Flores to buy a ferry ticket. We are traveling around Indonesia, and have been for about a month. Now we are going from Flores to Timor and then flying to Australia. Flores, meaning flowers...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Jun 4, 2015 | North America
Occasionally I’ve called La Paz in Mexico my second home. I have been and lived there several times so it’s not all wrong. La Paz almost at the end of the long narrow peninsula Baja California, dangling down from the state of California, USA is quite...
by Kirsten K. Kester | Apr 27, 2015 | Europe
Micro Trip Monday . . is about details. About making short trips in the nearby area. It’s not always you have the opportunity to pack your backpack, to leave for a month long trip through Asia. One should not understate the opportunities...